Rejuvenation procedures
Eyelid surgery : blepharoplasty
Different techniques are performed…
Which will not alter the appearance of the eyes nor change the shape of the opening between the eyes (palpebral fissure). Nevertheless, changes of shape can be achieved depending on the patient’s morphology, eg. slanted eyes procedure.
Blepharoplasty can give eyes a brighter, more vital look. This procedure involves upper and lower lids of sagging, baggy eyes which give a tired, lackluster appearance.
Correction of the lower eyelids will be dependent upon the clinical situation and the result requested and will involve the conjunctival or the external sub-ciliary approach.
Blepharoplasty can be combined with other procedures designed to modify the appearance of the region around the eyes.
Total blepharoplasty : upper + lower eyelids: an overnight stay in the clinic is advisable.
Either upper eyelids or lower eyelids alone can be corrected on a day-patient basis.
Surgical skin abrasion
Several techniques can be used according to the texture of the skin and the desired effect: dermabrasion, laser abrasion, peeling.
Personally, for patient comfort, I perform these procedures at the clinic, with or without anesthetic.
Regarding injection-based treatment,, several tried and tested products are available: the Botox range, fillers and resorbable volume enhancers, hyaluronic acid, lipid treatment, mesotherapy, etc.
The indications forinjections need to be discussed with the physician as even a slight excess can modify the patient’s morphology and produce an unwanted result.
Although, in some cases, injections can provide an immediate solution by filling in wrinkles, it is sometimes preferable to avoid this type of treatment or choose another enhancement technique.
Suture suspension
Consistent à placer des fils, qui à partir du cuir chevelu, cheminent dans les tissu adipeux du visage, s’amarrent dans ce dernier et par un effet de tension, suspendent le visage.
Consists of running threads from the scalp through the facial adipous tissue where they are attached under tension in order to maintain the face suspended.
* The surgical results shown in these photographs cannot be reproduced identically, nor even approximately. Results are dependent on the initial anatomy of each individual patient.