A facelift is not designed to transform the face but to remove signs of tiredness.
It aims to rearrange the soft tissues around the underlying bone structure while preserving the patient’s specific characteristics. A face lift corrects facial sagging, restores the ovoid shape of the face and redistributes the facial features which have been modified by aging.
Facial rejuvenation and enhancement procedures
Eyelid surgery : blepharoplasty
Different techniques are performed…
Which will not alter the appearance of the eyes nor change the shape of the opening between the eyes (palpebral fissure). Nevertheless, changes of shape can be achieved depending on the patient’s morphology, eg. slanted eyes procedure.
Most often combines nose and chin surgery.
The shape of the nose is in direct relationship with the morphology of the upper jaw and the mid-face region.
Chin Surgery: Genioplasty or Mentoplasty
Genioplasty will harmonize the face but cannot correct a "gummy smile" and absence of lip seal in the dentofacial anatomy.
Correction of so-called « protruding » ears is much more complex than is often thought..
- This is because the ears can protrude as a result of different morphological anomalies, namely :
- Hypertrophy of the auricular concha, or hollow of the ear.
- Defective fold of the antehelix.
- Defective fold of the helix.
- A malposition of the pinna in relation to the mastoid bone or the mandibular ramus.
- Or, most often, a combination, to varying degrees, of all these anomalies.
The technique needs to be chosen to best match the type of anomaly.
Orthognathic surgery
This procedure entails surgery on the upper jaw or on both jaws designed to restore a functional and esthetic balance.
I perform this procedure only after appropriate orthodontic preparation of your dental occlusion (orthodontics).