Breast recontouring

The aim

The aim of breast reshaping is to correct drooping breasts, i.e. lift them harmoniously taking into account the chest, deformations of the areola-nipple and the ideal proportions of the chest. Volume will need to be preserved or restored while bearing in mind that if your breast has sagged, it is because your bosom is or has been heavy and that your skin type or the quality of the elastic fibers composing your skin has weakened.

Care should be taken not to encourage a rapid relapse of the ptosis by opting for too large a volume relative to the quality of your skin.

In some cases, augmentation is required. Breast contouring can then be combined with placement of a breast implant. In this event, however, it should be noted that the breasts may develop a slight disharmony over time due to the natural ageing of the breasts. In cases of this type, the ageing process is already more advanced and will continue despite the position of the implant and its physiological capsule.

A one-to-one consultation is the main key to a successful result.


Several aims:

  • Enhance the shape of the breasts and reposition them in harmony with the chest
  • Create minimal scarring
  • Postpone as far as possible the inevitable return of sagging with age
  • The scar can be areolar, areolar and vertical or areolar and vertical with a short horizontal segment.


  • Soft-tissue and glandular remodelling can be associated with augmentation of breast volume by placing an implant.
  • However, it should be said that this practice runs contrary to the prevention of breast droop as the additional weight will negatively impact the already enfeebled soft-tissue-gland envelope.
  • Patients should realize that the surgeon is unable to meet all their demands regarding both volume and shape.
  • If a natural outcome is to be achieved, we must comply with the structure of both the breasts and the thorax. Not to do so would inevitably lead to an unsightly result after only a few months when Mother Nature reasserts herself…
  • The shape of the implant is designed more to fit the natural structure of the breast than to change the shape of the breast.
  • The surgical indication should be determined in accordance with the patient’s request, the initial shape of the breast and predictable skin ageing.

Future development

When breast recontouring and a breast implant are indicated, the morphology and structure of the skin need to be carefully analyzed as ageing of the breast will occur irrespective of the position of the implant and produce an esthetically unnatural result.


*The surgical results shown in these photographs cannot be reproduced identically, nor even approximately. Results are dependent on the initial anatomy of each individual patient.