Non-invasive methods for facial aesthetics:

Several methods can relieve facial fatigue as single therapies or as a complement to surgery.


You have a choice of various products. Whether they are more or less quickly resorbable, partially resorbable, non-resorbable, collagen production stimulators, cell, dermal, sub-dermal, or muscular re-activators, natural or synthetic,…. they all have their indication and their own effectiveness.

There is an army of brands for any single product. And the pharmaceutical laboratories compete in terms of their performances.

The choice among all these products both in terms of their brand and their action depends on skin quality, facial morphology and the goal of the client.

The two major categories of injections:

1 « So-called » filler injections:

Notably withhyaluronic acid which enables:

-Remodellingof certain parts of the face: lips, cheekbones, dark rings, nasolabial folds, temples, etc.…

-Filling facial lines: frown lines, marionette lines, the oval of the face, lip wrinkles, dark rings, etc.…

-Refining skin texture.

2 Muscle relaxants: Botulinum Toxin or Botox

Botox acts on the muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles.
So-called« dynamic« wrinkles: those on the forehead, the area between the eyebrows or frown lines and crow’s feet, are the result of repeated contraction of certain muscles.
Botox or botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles in the treated area, smooths out the associated wrinkles and slows down their development over time.


What can you expect from it?

Hyaluronic acid decreases the deepness of lines.

-When it is injected, unattractive shadows caused by sagging of the skin are lightened.

-It harmonises the distribution of light on the face.

-It also smooths out morphological hollows caused by bone structure (maxillary, orbit, etc….) and softens facial features and lines.

-Brings back sensuality to lips and makes it easier to apply makeup.

-Counteracts slight sagging (cheekbones).

-Temporarily smooths out nose bridge irregularity.

-Reshapes the oval of the lower face, if the jowls are prominent.

-Delays the beginning of facial skin ageing.

-It changes facial fullness as long as the demand remains within natural limits.

-And most of all it helps to boost morale!

Injection treatment sessions:

They are carried out at the office located at 127, rue d’Antibes in Cannes.
Duration: from 10 to 45 min.
Results: 60% immediately and the remaining 40% within the next 48h by harmonisation of the structures.

What are the limits of these injections?

To obtain results that last over time, regular maintenance is required. Treatment renewals depend on the product that is injected and the degree of its absorption by the skin.
At least once per year.

Injections will not correct facial sagging or pronounced lower facial heaviness: i.e. as of approximately 55 - 60 years of age, depending on the subject, injections are not the appropriate solution and might even destroy the face’s remarkable energy. For a natural result, a lift would be more appropriate. The natural, vital part of the face can disappear when an excessive quantity is injected to treat ageing. A surgical intervention is therefore more appropriate.

-The expression « lifting effect » used to describe the results obtained by injections is marketing language. You should never expect the same result provided by real lifting! There is a risk of ending up with a heavy « moon » face.
And vice-versa, do not expect to obtain the results provided by injections through lifting.


Botulinum toxin or BOTOX

What Botox offers you:

-An undeniable upper facial clearness.
-A decrease in heavy expression lines on the forehead and frown lines.
-Elimination of the horizontal lines on the forehead.
-It re-lifts the corners of the eyebrows. The degree depends on the facial morphology.
-Decreases latero-nasal contractions as well as irregularities in the chin.
-Smooths out periorbital lines.
-Softens muscular neck lines.
-Repeating Botox injections prevents skin ageing.

Injection treatment sessions:

-They are carried out at the office located at 127, rue d’Antibes in Cannes.
-Duration: approximately 15 minutes
-Social activities can be resumed immediately.

The result is visible between the 4th and 8th day.
In rare cases it might take up to 15 days.

Maintaining the result: injections are renewed every 4 to 6 months depending on muscular reactiveness.

What Botox will not offer you:

--A correction of sagging in the temporal areas.
-It does not provide a return to youth but rather unhampered expressions that you might never have had before.
-Warning: on certain faces, the injection can cause a modification in expression that might go as far as eliminating facial charisma and distinctiveness.
-It is not so much the « frozen » appearance that can sometimes occur but rather a change in facial vitality and electromagnetism.
Since it acts on muscle tone cell electromagnetism changes.


What they can offer you:

-Replace lost skin density.
-Deep sub-dermal and dermal nutrition via nutrient-supplying neo-vascularisation …
-Skin modelling and volume in deformities (chin, cheeks).
-Micro-grafts give a glow, a radiance to complexion.
-Fill in cutaneous hollows and fractures.
-Refine the result of lifting.
-Of note, the result can be permanent.

What they will not offer:

-If the face is marked by age, they will never replace the effects of actual lifting and you will pay the price by having a round, massive and impersonal face.
-If this applies to you, be careful, you might lose your facial charisma! What is distinctive, personal about you…


What it can offer you:

-A radiant skin texture
-The appearance of facial vitality
-Smoothing of grainy skin
-It nourishes the dermis.

What it will not offer:

-Correction of sagging skin.


The use of injections is a good solution for relieving facial fatigue, correcting lines and improving unattractive facial morphologies but it in no way replaces the effect of appropriate lifting..

The quality of the result and the guarantee of your satisfaction will depend on the choice of therapy. This must be assessed according to your request, your morphology and your consultant.